Last updated: March 10, 2024
Track our journey as we continuously improve with new features and enhancements
Expanded our stock search functionality to include ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds) alongside regular equity stocks. Users can now search, track, and create alerts for both stocks and ETFs, all while maintaining our focus on USD-denominated securities for consistent price tracking.
Enhanced our search algorithm to filter results by currency and security type, ensuring users only see relevant USD-denominated stocks and ETFs in their search results.
Added two new technical indicator alerts: MA Breakout (Bullish) and MA Breakout (Bearish) that detect when price breaks above or below a moving average line. These alerts complement the existing MA Crossover alerts and provide earlier signals for potential trend changes.
Enhanced our technical indicator suite with Golden Cross and Death Cross alerts that detect when short-term moving averages (50-day) cross long-term moving averages (200-day), signaling potential major trend reversals in the market.
Added dynamic TradingView widget and comprehensive stock summary for more detailed market analysis.
Added additional metadata fields to stocks for more comprehensive market insights and better decision-making.
Added comprehensive stock database with enriched information for better market coverage and analysis.
Enhanced stock price monitoring schedule for more timely and accurate price updates and alerts.
Improved the stock price monitoring cronjob schedule for more efficient and timely price updates.
Updated test suite documentation with comprehensive Supabase service module tests for better code quality and reliability.
Enhanced subscription routes with improved logging and error handling for a more reliable payment experience.
Refactored and consolidated Supabase service and database interactions for better maintainability and performance.
Resolved TypeScript and ESLint warnings across the project for better code quality and developer experience.
Updated project dependencies and testing configuration to ensure security and compatibility with latest standards.
Refactored API routes and middleware with improved error handling and type safety for a more secure application.
Updated stock and alert management cronjobs for more efficient background processing and monitoring.
Updated robots.txt and implemented dynamic sitemap generation for better search engine visibility.
Enabled Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) for marketing pages, resulting in faster page loads and improved user experience.
Implemented X notification service for bot, allowing alerts to be delivered to our Account.
Added 52-week high and low stock information to alerts for better market context and decision-making.
Implemented loading states and lazy loading for dashboard components, resulting in faster initial page loads and improved user experience.
Migrated alert actions and stock price fetching to dedicated API routes with improved error handling and server-side validation.
Added comprehensive alert history logging and a new dashboard component to view alert activity and status changes.
Added database indexes to improve alert query performance, resulting in faster dashboard loading times.
Implemented separate stock queries for more efficient alerts data retrieval, reducing database load.
Created a specialized API endpoint for alert deletion with comprehensive error handling and improved security.
Added the ability to pause and resume alerts with intuitive UI controls and backend support.
Implemented a card-based mobile view for alerts with enhanced desktop styling including alternating row colors.
Enhanced the alerts table with refined search and filter UI for better usability.
Refactored layout and footer components for consistency across all pages with updated social links.
Implemented WhatsApp notification sending with comprehensive error handling and retry mechanisms.
Added SMS quota checking and message usage tracking with improved retry mechanisms for reliable notifications.
Added comprehensive API documentation page with detailed information about alert creation endpoints.
Updated Privacy Policy with GDPR compliance details and comprehensive data handling practices.
Optimized alert fetching, consolidated alert configurations, and simplified alert count tracking for better performance.
Enhanced phone number verification with premium-only access and improved user feedback.
Centralized alert configuration and improved alert type management for better maintainability.
Added support for major international exchanges including Asian markets (Hong Kong, China, Japan), European markets (Switzerland), and more, with intelligent exchange prioritization.
Enhanced React Query implementation and subscription data fetching for lightning-fast performance.
Introduced Stripe customer portal, usage tracking, and Early Bird plan support with improved subscription management.
Refreshed Hero section, improved settings page layout, and enhanced pricing section with dynamic billing.
Implemented early bird pricing with improved Stripe checkout flow and enhanced subscription management.
Added advanced filtering, sorting, and improved condition display with target price calculations in the alerts table.
Implemented intelligent alert reactivation with automatic price resets and dynamic status handling.
Added newsletter subscription with Brevo API, improved email templates, and streamlined verification process.
Implemented comprehensive authentication management with password updates, email verification, and secure sign-out flow.
Migrated to Alpha Vantage API for improved stock data reliability and extended functionality.
Added comprehensive testing setup with Vitest and Testing Library for improved code reliability.
Implemented stock database persistence, price caching, and enhanced stock selection handling.
Redesigned AddAlertModal with modern UI, improved StockSearch component, and enhanced dashboard settings.
Added comprehensive logging, reminder evaluation, and extended alert types for better stock monitoring.
We're constantly working to improve with new features and enhancements. Stay tuned for more updates!
Have a feature request? Contact us at